Workplace Bullying

 1) People are often hesitant to make a complaint; why do you think this is? 

Because they are unsure if management will support the complaint as often times the one conducting the bullying is their superior. If the company does not support the victim, there is high change the bullying will increase and the victim may lose their job as well.

            2) Is it possible for people who file complaints to be victimised beyond the original incident? How could this happen? What are some ways organisations and individual managers can help people feel more comfortable to make a claim? 
Yes, it is totally possible for the victim that has filed a complaint to experience an increase in bullying. There are multiple reasons why this may occur such as the bully wanting to take revenge, HR or management not doing disciplining the bully, and leadership ignoring the problem/not recognizing the severity of the problem. The most important way organization and management can help employees feel at ease when making a claim is by taking action. Many times actions against the bully is not taken due to the bully having a high position in the company, this makes employees and especially the victim lose hope and feel that making a claim is useless and would just leave a target behind their back. Furthermore, when a claim is made, the company should take it seriously be gathering evidence and witnesses before deciding on the punishment. A severe bullying case should result in the termination of the bully. This would also help reduce any future bullies if a precedent is set.
            3) What can managers do to create a culture where people feel safe to stand up for their rights to equal treatment and being treated with respect and dignity?
Management can conduct surveys and analyze how employees are faring within the company. As with most things, everything should start at the top which is why, the leaders and management of the company must present themselves properly in the company to foster a positive culture within the company. Employees are more likely to follow the footsteps of their superiors which is why it is of upmost importance that leaders are doing their best to treat everyone equally. If the problem is already too severe, management should invite outside help such as your respective government bodies to identify and help meditate the problem.
