Promotional Strategy

Retail Store- Apple Outlet

Product Chosen - iPhone

Buy iPhone 11 - Apple (AU)

1) How does the company create awareness of its product?

    Apple does marketing for their lineup of new iPhones through press conferences which are done prior to the release of the product. Besides that, the company creates hype by releasing announcement, trailers, and sneak peaks of the new range of iPhones and markets the latest or newest features to come with the device. Furthermore, the company relies heavily on word of mouth and the spread of information through the use of social media. As Apple is an established company with plenty of loyal followers, not to mention one of the biggest mobile device company in the world, word of mouth is spread easily and so does rumors, allowing the company to basically notify the whole world whenever it releases a new product.


2) How does the company get consumers to try its product?

    The product is only available for testing once it is launched. The device tend to be found in most major shopping outlets and stores such as Optus, BigW, Target, Apple outlet, etc.


3) How does the company give information about the product to its customer?

    As stated earlier, the company tends to do a press conference regarding its new releases as well as spread rumors early on to create hype and expectations of the product. The company will sometimes also market its new features on social media to create awareness and spread information of the product and rely on word of mouth/social media to get everyone to know about it.


4) How does the company retain loyal customers?

     By providing a customer friendly product and marketing itself as a high-end mobile device available through charging customers outrageous amount of money.  Besides that, Apple has been known to have very good warranty services which helps ease the average consumer worries. The company also has plenty of loyal fans that would camp in front of the outlet stores days prior to its new release just so that they can be one of the first few people to get the latest device from the company.

5) How does the company entice the customers to buy more and use their products frequently?

    Apple has its own ecosystem for all of its devices, forcing users to use its software. Because of this, customers who own an Apple device are more likely to buy additional Apple devices so that their devices are better connected and integrated with one another. As Apple is part of the tech consumer category, its devices are used on a daily basis.

6) What promotions does the company use to identify more customers?

    As a tech consumer company, the company target audience is basically the whole world. While the company does have some niche products targeting a specific audience, as of right now the company does not seem like it will be branching out to other markets.
