Promoting WHS

    Work health and safety is vital to every workplace, which is why, management must put in the effort to spread the importance of WHS and have employees cooperate with management to ensure a safe workplace for all.

1) As with most successful business, a good leadership and management allows for effective and efficient business. That is to say, businesses should incorporated the importance of WHS in the company culture so that employees understand during their orientation on the importance of WHS and attend safety training sessions as required.

2) Besides that, the first action to be taken when solving a problem is to identify the issue. For WHS, this can be done by conducting a through workplace assessment and identify the potential risk and hazards. Following this, one can also investigate all past incident and near misses to understand the root cause before coming up with a solution. Furthermore, management should encourage workers to report health and safety concerns and not be afraid of any backlash that may occur from reporting said problems.

3) Next, when implementing a solution, it is important to communicate said changes and solutions to employees so that they understand what's happening in the workplace. It is of vital importance that management responds promptly to all WHS issues and measure and observe implementations made.

4) Finally, everyone has to understand that WHS is not a one time thing and should be constantly undergo continuous improvement to eliminate all potential risk and hazards for a safe environment. In the long run, this is sure to bring less headache to the business and happier employees.
